Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Video: Speed of Life - Caught Inside

My tenure with Speed of Life was essential to my development as a keyboard player. John Zay and I spent many hours programming sounds and figuring out how the hell we were gonna get every sound from the record on the keyboards.

Although I'm not performing with the band regularly it looks as though we will be recording together soon. Zay and I wrote a new song in his visit here recently. Stay tuned there will likely be a performance with Speed of Life here in NYC in the next month or so.

This video features John Zay on guitar and lead vocals, Tobias Ralph on drums, Nicholas D'Amato on bass and myself on keys and backing vox. It was the last show of my 3rd tour with the band. Some exceptional drumming is featured on this video as well...Enjoy(Congrats to Tobias for landing the Lauryn Hill gig recently. They're headlining a show in New Zealand).

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